Dyslexia Screening Test

assessment_2A dyslexia screening test is designed to provide an indication regarding the likelihood of an individual being identified as dyslexic if they were to undertake a full diagnostic assessment.

A dyslexia screening test does not provide a formal diagnosis of dyslexia; only a full diagnostic assessment can determine if dyslexia is present.

Many primary and secondary schools are able to provide dyslexia screening tests as part of their routine SEN service, and parents who feel their child may be dyslexic should talk to the Special Educational Needs &/or Disabilities Co-ordinator [SENDCo] in the first instance and ask for a screening test to be provided.

Where the dyslexia screening test indicates a moderate or high probability of dyslexic difficulties, an appropriate course of action may be to consider following up with a full diagnostic assessment. This would determine the presence of dyslexic and any related difficulties. However, if provision of a full diagnostic assessment is not possible this should not prevent the child from receiving appropriate specialist support within the school.

If a school is unwilling or unable to provide a dyslexia screening test – or if a parent wishes to obtain a ‘second opinion’ – Dyslexia Lincs is able to provide this service.

A dyslexia screening test is a quicker and more informal process than a full diagnostic assessment which explores the child’s previous educational and medical history in greater depth. The dyslexia screening test has four sections which cover a range of skills – including the child’s non-verbal reasoning, language skills, speed, and hand-eye skills – and can be undertaken from age six and a half years [to adult].

By looking at a range of skills we find strengths as well as weaknesses, and this can be very helpful when considering how to help your child progress. From results of a dyslexia screening test, we can check whether or not your child might have subtle hearing problems, or memory problems. These difficulties can make it harder to learn to read.

A dyslexia screening test can be undertaken after school on week days, at a weekend, or during the school holiday period, and usually takes about an hour to complete.

Usually within five working days, parents are provided with a concise written report summarising and interpreting test results and providing an ‘At Risk Quotient’ in the form of a score indicating whether a learner is at risk of dyslexia. Risks indicated range from ‘no risk of dyslexia’, ‘mild risk of dyslexia’, ‘at risk of dyslexia’ to ‘strong risk of dyslexia’.  A full diagnostic assessment is recommended in cases where a moderate or strong risk screening test result occurs.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of dyslexia screening please contact us.